June 28, 2005

What is Art?

That was the title of an early 20th century Leo Tolstoy paper. I use it here because the downward spiral in the quality of art in general has continued since Tolstoy's time. Or, I should say, the definition of art as heralded by modern, self-proclaimed officianados has been further obfuscated by their vague, irrelevant meanderings. Kind of like the start of this post.

Let's put it this way. A lot of people don't understand art and they're made to feel that they're not sophisticated enough because they don't get it. But I have a feeling that often there is nothing to get. What a shame that is! Art should be of the people, for the people and by the people.

I am sure that I am going to upset many people with this blog - most likely the charlatans trying to parlay this modern elixir on an unsuspecting public. Or maybe I'll go entirely unnoticed, which is more likely. I hope to find people that feel the way I do and are ready to do something about it.