July 05, 2005

Art as a Discipline

Many people talk about Karate as a discipline. People who own Karate studios want you to know about all the things you're children can gain from paying the $50 for their lessons. Self-confidence, strength and discipline. Discipline can be called self control or restraint.

Karate itself is also called a discipline. A discipline is a course of study that teaches you a skill or trade. The discipline of karate teaches you how to use your body as a weapon. Look out lumberyards - we're coming for you!

What I'm saying is this: Art should perform similarly as a discipline. It should enlarge the abilities of the disciple - in this case, the artist. Art should be something that an artist can apply themselves to again and again and see improvement with every effort. If the art asks nothing of the artist then it isn't art.

Let's take Jackson Pollock. Dripping paint on canvas takes no trained skill or intense effort. Rockwell proved he could copy Pollocks style with one effort. Could Pollock likewise imitate Rockwell's art? It would require Pollock years of study and training to mimic Rockwell's style. Study and training are the foundation of discipline.

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